



Each class concentrates on a specific skill area and is 5 days in length. You learn restoration by doing restoration with hands-on experience. Due to the hands-on nature of the classes, participants will spend full days in the class and may only take one class per week.

每个班级的注册人数有限,因此所有参与者都可以从最火的十个赌博软件的专家教练的个人关注中受益,并有充足的时间在设备上. 通过这种一对一的方法, no matter what level of skill you have, you will increase your restoration expertise.

类 include valuable information on locating 工具, materials, and parts. In many cases, you can bring parts from your current restoration project to work on.





星期1 6月3 - 7


  • 动力传动系统, 科里安鲁
  • 电气、 山姆·巴伯
  • 引擎重建, Curt古德温
  • 加工, 灰吕绿
  • 油漆, 克里斯•克拉克
  • 钣金, 埃德•巴尔
  • 小零件再生产; 克里斯Paulsen
  • 室内装潢 & 修剪, 迈克·达德利
星期2 6月10 - 14


  • 三维设计, 科里安鲁
  • 应用修剪 & 室内装潢, 迈克·达德利
  • 巴比特, 克里斯Paulsen
  • 油漆, 克里斯•克拉克
  • 钣金, 埃德•巴尔
  • 发动机的调整, Curt古德温
  • 木工, 灰吕绿
星期3 6月17-21


  • 先进的油漆, 克里斯•克拉克
  • 先进的钣金*, 埃德•巴尔
  • 应用修剪 & 室内装潢, 迈克·达德利
  • 刹车, 路加福音Chennel
  • 动力传动系统, 科里安鲁
  • 引擎重建, Curt古德温
  • 加工, 灰吕绿
  • 了解早期的汽车, 克里斯Paulsen



  • Class: $1,075 per class, including lunch
  • Meal Plan: $200 to add breakfasts and dinners
  • Dorm:  $275 for a single room including bedding and linens
    *连续几周参加, the dorms will be available for use over the weekend between those classes.
  • Shuttle: $25 per person (each way to and from the Wichita airport)
  • 取消的费用:
    Forfeit cost of class after May 24, 2024

These classes are designed for hobbyists and beginners of all ages and interests. Everyone comes with different skill levels and knowledge so they will build from the basics. 课程将以简短的历史和所需知识的基础开始,但目标是让学生尽快进入实验室并开始实践.

Participants will learn how to produce parts utilizing Onshape 3D design software.  The necessary steps to reproduce rare, nonexistent and custom parts will be covered.   We will utilize 3D printers, but will also look at other fabrication processes.   Each student will have the opportunity to design parts and 工具 that will then be 3D printed.  项目包括凹模, 冲压/成型模具, 燃油泵块脱落, tap holder  and custom air filter housing.  Students are also welcome to work on designing their own personal projects.  No prior 3D modeling or 3D printing experience is necessary.  主要课题包括:

  • 3D打印机和切片机的基本操作
  • Designing, printing and preparing patterns for sand casting and lost PLA investment casting.
  • Designing metal shaping tooling including dimple dies, forming dies, and 珠滚 dies.
  • Design parts that can then be produced utilizing CNC fabrication processes such as milling,等离子切割, 路由, 等.
  • 3D打印机和长丝类型

应用汽车内饰 & 室内装潢
本课程的参与者将花费他们的一周专门在装饰实验室微调他们的汽车装饰和室内装饰技能. 因为期望参与者在参加课程之前有缝纫和室内装饰经验, 它是要求参与者将采取基本的汽车装饰和室内装潢类以前.

最火的十个赌博软件鼓励参与者本周从家里带来一个个人汽车装饰项目, 但这不是必需的.


Discover the fundamentals of automotive electrical systems. Gain knowledge of the use of basic electrical 工具 such as voltmeters, ammeters, and multimeters. Included in the class is an introduction to oscilloscopes for advanced diagnostics. Explore and practice diagnostics, troubleshooting, and repair of automotive DC circuits. Learn by hands-on practice finding opens, shorts and miswired circuits, 等. Also, repairs of starters, generators, alternators, spark 点火 systems, and wiring. Learn and understand the necessary theory of current, 电压, and Ohm’s law to diagnose and repair these components. Gain an understanding of electricity without complicated math or mythology.

汽车木材加工通常包括更换30年代以前的汽车上的腐烂木材,或者从零开始制作“木头”. This class will focus more on the wood replacement topic than scratch-building a body, but most techniques used for the former also apply to the latter.

在这堂课上, 最火的十个赌博软件将根据计划制作1929年的斯图茨黑鹰后门框(1930年前汽车车厢的一个代表性项目). This project will require project planning, 材料选择, glue-ups, 木工机械, 手工工具使用, 和整理. The completed door frame will be perfect for making a skin in advanced sheet metal, by the way. No previous woodworking experience is necessary.

Learn how to properly restore mechanical and hydraulic brakes. Students will gain experience with a number of different kinds of brakes, 包括外接鼓, 内膨胀鼓, 盘式制动器. Both mechanical and hydraulic systems will be discussed, including the proper adjustment of mechanical systems, 重排列, 拱起, 定心鞋, and common brake system modifications. Students will learn the proper techniques for rebuilding master cylinders, 轮缸, 和盘式制动卡钳. 最火的十个赌博软件将讨论制动器的历史发展,从最早的蹄式制动器到当代的现代四轮盘式制动器, including some unusual and different approaches to stopping a vehicle. 在商店里, students will learn the necessary skills to ensure a vehicle stops properly every single time.

Day 1: Introduction to braking systems, 水力学基础, 摩擦系统, 制动器的历史. Lab: Mechanical braking systems, adjustment and rebuilding.
Day 2: Hydraulic valves and switches, fluids and sealing systems, brake bleeding. Lab: fixed-anchor brakes, adjustment and care.
Day 3: Drum and Disc 刹车, Operation and Overhaul. Lab: Bendix-style self-energizing brakes, operation and rebuilding.
Day 4: Wheel bearings, parking brakes, brake boosters. Lab: Disc Brakes: rebuilding, care and adjustment.
Day 5: Wrap-up, conclusions, open lab time.

This class starts with the theory and operation of drivetrain components including: clutches, 手动变速器, 驱动轴, 差速器和后轮.  在介绍了功能原理之后,学生将有机会在实验室中完成重建过程. Provided lab projects cover a wide range of years and technologies (1920’s – 1970’s and beyond). 参与者也有机会带来个人动力传动系统部件,他们可以在实验室时间工作. 整个星期 we will cover disassembly, 清洁, 检查, 测量, reassembly and setup for drivetrain components.

  • Clutch assembly theory diagnosis, and repair
  • Driveshaft and torque tube theory diagnosis and repair
  • Manual 传输s – sliding gear to synchronized
  • Rear end and differentials – Banjo to Hypoid rear ends


在20世纪30年代中期之前生产的大多数发动机使用浇注巴比特轴承作为其主轴承和连杆轴承. 如果处理得当, rebuilt babbitted engines can be just as reliable today as they were when they were new.

在本课程中, we’ll cover the following: basics of Babbitting, 不同类型的巴比特人, 不同类型的设备, 赶走老巴比特, 浇注主轴承, 浇杆轴承, 主轴承加工, 加工杆轴承, 设定和切割推力.

We’ll perform the above operations on two different engines, using a currently-produced modern set-up as well as original 1920’s Kwik-way equipment.

This is a hands-on engine rebuilding course designed around the hobbyist. 本课程将从诊断发动机问题开始,重点关注机械问题,以确定需要进行哪些维修. 诊断后, 正确的拆卸, 检查, and measuring procedures will be covered in order to choose the proper machine shop operations. We will then correctly assemble the engines, 检查间隙, and make adjustments to factory specifications. 课程的上限将运行最火的十个赌博软件在课程中重建的引擎之一,重点是适当的设置, 启动和停机程序.

引擎发动机的调整 & 诊断

Learn how to get your classic running when it does not and keep it running the way it should! This class has three main diagnostic or repair topics: mechanical, 点火, and 燃料 system. The class will use mostly ‘60s engines for demonstration, but you will see that the technology transfers to generations of engines.

首先对发动机的机械状况进行故障排除,并通过压缩和降漏试验验证机械完整性, you will learn fundamentals that will be used for the rest of the week.

We will review the basic operation of the 点火 system and how the components interact. Followed with diagnostics using an array of 工具 from engine scopes, 数字万用表, 直到基本的测试灯. We will cover topics like how to inspect and adjust, 点火点, 点火时间, 真空提前, 机械的进步.

当点火开关接通时, 最火的十个赌博软件将通过学习化油器的基本系统以及它们如何协同工作来提供正确的燃油量来涵盖燃油系统. 拆解和重新组装化油器,您将了解工作台调整和维修技巧. After this exercise we will install the carburetors to be adjusted and tested on a running engine. Learning how to use a gas analyzer and basic 工具 for adjustment will be also included.

加工课本课程旨在教授操作工具室车床的基础知识,以使您的项目车辆更换零件. 第一天或两天将有大量的课堂时间来积累知识,随着一周的进展,大部分时间将过渡到机器时间. 最火的十个赌博软件将至少制作三个项目, which are representative of common repairs needed in restoration. No prior machining experience is required.

Your instructor for this class will teach you to:

  • 使用Southbend工具室车床来制作圆柱零件-最火的十个赌博软件将制作:(1)一个两端有外螺纹的5步4140钢轴, (2) a 2-step 4140 steel shaft with internal and external threads, (3)青铜衬套
  • Precision measure with an outside micrometer, 深度千分尺, 游标卡尺, 游标高度计, 伸缩式量规
  • Grind a high-speed steel tool to use on the lathe
  • Single-point thread on the lathe (including left-hand threads)
  • 在车床上钻孔
  • 车床上的电动丝锥
  • 氧化表面光洁度钢
  • 阅读蓝图图纸

This class is designed to teach the fundamental principles in automotive paint application. Topics include sheet metal preparation, 现有涂料的制备, 底漆的应用和使用, 块砂光, 面漆的应用, 颜色/湿喷砂, 抛光, 喷漆枪设置, 气动工具和压缩机的选择, and paint material usage on various parts of the automobile. 整个星期, two test panels are painted with an emphasis on proper paint application techniques, which are administered through both classroom teaching and lab experience. The first test panel will be used for the application of single-stage paint, while the second test panel will be used for the application of basecoat and clear coat materials. This class aims to prepare participants to begin entry-level painting procedures and not larger, 更高级的绘画项目.

本课程超越了油漆应用的基本原则,并进入更先进的绘画经验. 本课程开始采取一个已经涂了漆的测试面板,是凹痕和/或划伤,并使用正确的车身方法进行维修. The proper use of body filler and its application techniques are emphasized in this project. 该面板的修补工作将使用适当的胶带和遮盖程序合并双色,也可能包括使用金属或珍珠组件. The latter part of the class will consist of a group(s) project provided by the college. 本课程的目的是灌输信心,并为回国后更大和/或更高级的项目的参与者做好准备.

介绍焊接, 切割, and metal shaping processes used to repair antique automobile sheet metal. 学习氧乙炔焊接, 钎焊, 气割, 点焊, MIG和TIG焊接, 等离子切割. Explore metal shaping using hand 工具, 收缩机/担架, 英式车轮, 动力锤, 珠滚, 和Pullmax机. 减少维修, 热收缩, 铅体焊料应用, 焊接完成, and patch panel fabrication/replacement are also covered.

A highly individualized course of study for the serious hobbyist. Course content varies according to needs of participants. Topics covered typically include advanced metal shaping and fabrication techniques, 复制形状和制作图案, 焊接多片板. Extended time working on a personal project if desired. Must have taken Sheet Metal Restoration from 埃德•巴尔. Students are encouraged to bring a project after consulting with instructor. 不能带项目的学生可以在到达校园之前与老师一起设计一个最能满足他们需求的学习课程.

Small Parts Reproduction and Finishing Touches
在这个课堂上, 最火的十个赌博软件将在许多项目上工作,这些项目需要完成全面修复的细节. We’ll straighten bright work such as brass, copper, aluminum, and stainless steel. We’ll practice the buffing and 抛光 steps for the same bright work. We’ll practice different techniques for replicating wood-graining of the 1920s-1950s. We’ll perform various techniques for applying pin-striping. We will apply different types of plating-nickel, copper, and copy-cadmium. We will make simple patterns, sand molds, and cast parts in aluminum. We’ll reproduce plastic parts using rubber molds. All of these processes will be taught with the home hobbyist in mind. Participants are welcome to bring some parts in to work on. Please contact instructor for more information. Each topic will be demonstrated, then time allowed for participants to practice each. 一份调查将发送给参与者,以评估他们对不同科目的兴趣,以便计划这一周.

Participants will learn the fundamentals of automotive upholstery restoration and replacement. 工业缝纫机将用于学习构建内部组件的基础知识,如座椅(包括各种类型的接缝), 管道, & 座套样式)和门板. 每位参加者将获发一套缝纫练习,以学习缝纫技巧. 讲师将演示每个练习,然后参与者将在实验室中有时间在讲师的指导下练习.

练习完成后, participants will be given the opportunity to design and construct a small seat cushion. 除了实验时间, 时间也将花在课堂上回顾历史和各种材料和过程.g. 装饰面料, 工具, 基金会, 模式使, headliner installation) of automotive trim work.

This class will cover various topics related to early automobiles, through the early 1930’s. We’ll study their mechanics, history, technology, and lasting impact. We’ll explore what makes them go (and occasionally not go). The class will cover the basics of their working components – engine, 传输, 燃料, 点火, 操舵, 刹车系统. We’ll also talk about early auto history, and what makes it an important and fascinating part of car collecting. We’ll discuss their collectability and usability today. 最火的十个赌博软件将重点关注福特T型车, but also look at and experience the 1886 Benz replica, 1902年奥兹莫比尔, 福特A型车, 和其他人.


*Advanced classes require having taken the intro class